Being For the Neighborhood

New creation involves a transformed view of space that is defined by generosity and gratitude, welcome and embrace; a space where pain and joy can authentically sit at the same table. God’s Spirit empowers us to create spaces in which grace pours forth into the wilderness of our consumptive, competitive society to bring a new reality of being.

As you listen to God’s Spirit, who do you hear God inviting us to be in this 21st century? How is God inviting us to use the gift of space and time for the neighborhood? We love your thoughts!

Thank you for partnering with us as a community on this prayer-filled journey of discovery for this past year... We invite your continued prayers, creativity, and embodied faith in this time of discernment.

COVID-19 hit Seattle hard beginning in early March, and Union Church was forced to transition to virtual services and ministry. The church’s South Lake Union neighborhood emptied out, and pastor Rev. Renee Notkin decided to create a ministry that would bring everyone together. Once a week, the church makes and distributes burritos to anyone who wants one, as an opportunity to visit, socially distanced, with each other and come together for common good. Renee sees hope in the future when all can come together again, and hopes that our country is ready to stand up for racial justice.

Community Partnerships

Feeding the Neighborhood

Click the picture to read more about the incredible communal web we get to be apart of!

Union is only part of the story at 415. More on 415 Westlake & Kakáo below.  
